
its been six months since i started the next chapter of my life in jogja.
well, happy new year!
i've learnt a lot in the past 6 months.
life is full of ups and downs!
the studies for instance...
the content is heavy by itself.
students are just simply pressured to know everything by hook or crook.
everyone here competes to be the best!
and then there is the whole "im away from family issue"
people may seem to be happy. but no one knows if the happiness is for real or fake.
i know of a girl who still misses home badly.
she aint doing so well in her studies.
she feels the need to get amazing grades just so that she fits in.
she has trouble knowing if her friends are the right one for her.
some turned out to be bitches. some turned out fake!
i guess it is hard to find people who would be there for you 24/7 cause everyone has their own shit to deal with.
i feel sorry for that girl. guess she just has to grow up and be more independent! dont wait for anyone or anything. do every single shit by yourself!
of course, easier said than done.
but its life, and like it or not, LIFE HAS TO GO ON!
it doesnt wait for anybody.
have faith in yourself and just achieve what you want and get yourself outta here!
i know you'll be reading this.
fight for it, i believe in you!
cheers! (:

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